Mirror, rorriM.
From the time of childhood stories, the mirror has been used as both hero and villain. Yet I surmise that mirrors can be very frightening. (I still get scared when using my 30x magnifying mirror & my face becomes some alien landscape.) FYI, this is why photographs of ourselves never seem to look right to us – we’re used to seeing the reverse of what the world sees. Yet it’s not only external mirrors that can haunt us, it’s the internal ones too, or perhaps even the imaginary ones. We look at things too closely and our worlds literally shrink. Focus becomes short sighted (pun intended). Minor flaws look more like the Grand Canyon than a simple crack. So let’s back those mirrors up so that we can see life – and ourselves - in a more realistic sense. Here at Sanctuary Counseling one can get the proper perspective we need to see ourselves in. Won't you come Rebuild. Restore. Renew?