Andee Gay
Mar 28, 2019
Enough. What does that word conjure up? It can be both a positive and a negative – “I am enough” or “I have had enough.” When researching...
Andee Gay
Mar 5, 2019
Gargantuan Grief
I have worked with folks who are dealing with grief for years. My sense of compassion pulls on me to hear the stories & share the...
Andee Gay
Jan 6, 2019
Hold onto that baby!
As we begin a new year, we often want a complete do over - let's completely forget the past & march on to greener pastures -even if our...
Andee Gay
Dec 11, 2018
Presents or Presence?
As we're in the midst of the frenzy of holiday shopping & decorating & cooking & parties & stress & hassle....I wonder which matters more...
Andee Gay
Nov 13, 2018
"Give Thanks IN All Circumstances"
This quote from 1 Thessalonians 5:18 used to give me pause. How can we be thankful for everything that happens in life? I mean some of...
Andee Gay
Sep 28, 2018
I'm NOT Invisible
There’s a video circulating on social media, or rather videos as I understand there are several of this genre floating around, that show...
Andee Gay
Sep 18, 2018
"Don't care?" DO care!
It’s amazing the kinds of statements that can hit you out of the blue. A Bayer ad tells us “a heart attack doesn’t care what you eat.”...
Andee Gay
Aug 14, 2018
Mirror, rorriM.
From the time of childhood stories, the mirror has been used as both hero and villain. Yet I surmise that mirrors can be very...
Andee Gay
Aug 2, 2018
Help for the Broken Hearted
As I begin to grow the Services here at Your Sanctuary, I want you to know what got me started in Restorative Counseling to begin with. I...
Andee Gay
Mar 29, 2018
Rebuild. Restore. Renew.
In trying to convey part of what this Sanctuary does, I focused on a three word process: Rebuild. Restore. Renew. Not every one of these...